Inside, the nursery has all the facilities to make your child’s time with us as fulfillingĀ as it can be…
On arrival, there’s a place for their coat and bag…
There’s plenty of play equipment
Quality educational toys within easy reach of small hands…
…and puzzles, games and a wealth of learning materials to help adults provide stimulating, challenging learning experiences through play.
One of the most popular facilities is the dressing up corner!
We sing every day and there are instruments and puppets to enrich the experience
Of course, one of our most important resources is our library, which is constantly being updated with new titles
Story and Information books provide the starting point for our ‘Immersive Learning’ method…
…meaningful play of all kinds from sensory experiences with water…
…and rainbow rice
To the development of counting and mathematical skills, phonics and reading. Our children learn without realising – they just think they’re having fun!
Naturally, we have beautiful displays to share ideas and achievements with our families and each other too!